Nowadays SOME men has become soft. Men use to recognize and relate to strength. Now SOME of those men have went from masculine to becoming soft and feminine. There was a point in time where every Man stood up and grabbed the bull by the horns and tackled everything that got their way. Now grant it, I AM NOT SPEAKING ON THE ENTIRE MALE POPULATION, BUT there's a lot of us that fall in that category. MAN'S responsibility is Religion, Family, and Himself. How can you knowingly and willingly call yourself a Man when you allow your woman to pick up your slack and maintain the relationship and household, all the while you're just sitting back and chilling and playing your video games, hanging with the homies, bumming money, etc while she's out doing what she's doing to maintain. Everyone has been in a situation. Shit and life does happen, even to the best of us. But if you're comfortable chilling and kicking back while your lady is busting her ass, then you need to a 7:30 check. It's one thing to fall and get back up, dust off, and hop back on horse. But if you fall, and lay your ass down, and stay down, without even trying to get back up and waiting for her take care of you like she gave birth to you, then you're sad, pathetic, and sorry. It's time that ALL MEN TO STAND UP, AND BE THE MEN THAT THE DEITY YOU SERVE INTENDED YOU TO BE. Take up your thrown crown fellas. Strong men are getting exctint, and more are producing guys that have more estrogen in them than testosterone
From The Soul Of A Man ©2014
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